Super Price US $116.48 Bitfunx OSSC HDMI Converter Adapter Kit for Retro Game Consoles PS2/SEGA/Saturn/Nintendo 64/PC Engi

Bitfunx OSSC HDMI Converter Adapter Kit for Retro Game Consoles PS2/SEGA/Saturn/Nintendo 64/PC Engi

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Feature Detection and digitization of various analog SDTV/EDTV/HDTV/PC modes Line double support for 240p, 480i, 288p, 576i, 384p, 480p, 576p Line3x/4x/5x support for 240p/288p with different sampling modes Very low latency (less than 2 input scanlines), Don't worry about blurry graphics, interlaced jams, and higher input lags, and no painstaking upgrades. Fast "deinterlace" for 480i/576i and 960i/1080i Fast recover from input video mode change (e.g. 240p<->480i) All video processing done in RGB domain - no conversion to YCbCr Video and sync LPF for less-than optimal input signals Multiple inputs supporting various formats (see below) Full-range 24-bit RGB output through DVI/HDMI Emulated scanlines with configurable strength and position Configurable mask for overscan area Selectable sampling configuration for 480p input: DTV-480p or VGA 640x480 Selectable CSC configuration for YPbPr source: Rec. 601 or Rec. 70 

US $182.00

Time Limited offer 36%  US $116.48

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